Attention CCA Member Teachers

We are excited to announce the introduction of dances at the end of the Grade I, II and III exams. 

Including a dance at the end of their exam gives the candidates the chance to show their performance quality and finish the exam on a high note. The dance will be performed as a group and be approximately one minute in length. Teachers may use one of the sample dances provided or choreograph their own. The music should be classical and the candidates may use props. For exams where there is more than one sponsoring teacher, each group will do their own dance, for instance if there are 2 sponsoring teachers there will be 2 dances.

The dances will become mandatory on January 1, 2024. 

Grade I Sample Dance Notes

Grade II Sample Dance Notes
Grade III Dance Sample Notes

New Exam Prices effective September 1, 2023
Primary Group 1-6  $150.00
Student Exam Prices:
Grade I $60.00
Grade II  $65.00
Grade III  $75.00
Grade IV $85.00
Elementary $115.00
Intermediate  $130.00
Advanced  $150.00
Diploma  $250.00
Teacher Exam Prices:
Grade I  $150.00
Grade II $150.00
Grade III $175.00
Grade IV  $200.00
Elementary  $250.00
Intermediate $350.00
Advanced  $450.00
Diploma  $550.00

This examination option is still available for Student examinations for Grades I – Elementary

This examination option has opened up to include the following:

  1. Teacher examinations Grades I – Elementary
  2. Student examinations Grades I – Elementary

BY SPECIAL REQUEST: (submit to NEBD Registrar, June Smith)

  1. Teacher examination – Intermediate (one candidate per examination)
  2.  Student examination – Intermediate (one candidate per examination)

TO BE DETERMINED: (NEBD Registrar, June Smith)

  1. Teacher examination – Advanced
  2. Student examination – Advanced
  3. Teacher examination – Diploma 
  4.  Student examination – Diploma

Direct all inquiries to June Smith, NEBD National Registrar.


CCA Sponsor Guidelines for Online Student Exams

CCA Sponsor Guidelines for Online Teacher Exams

CCA Video Exam Protocol

For any questions or concerns feel free to contact CCA National Registrar, June Smith at [email protected]

Videos that will enhance your zoom experience:

CCA Zoom Audio- Initial Settings

CCA ZOOM Audio 01 Single Computer

CCA ZOOM Audio 02 Single Computer with Speaker

CCA ZOOM Audio-Internet Connections


Click on the link below to download or print the Women’s Intermediate book changes from July 2018.

The Board of Examiners would like to remind CCA teachers to present the graded theory and Basic steps to exam candidates when preparing for CCA exams.