Please note: some of our products such as Booklets, Books, and DVD’s are only available to Cecchetti Council of America members. However, CD’s can be purchased by non-members.

Cecchetti educational materials are for CCA members for use in training students and teachers in the Cecchetti Method. The set prices must not be increased for any reason.

The Cecchetti Manual, Allegro and Advanced Allegro manuals can all be purchased directly through the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) website at the following link:

The CCA Elementary DVD (noted as ISTD Intermediate Video), the CCA Intermediate DVD (noted as ISTD Advanced 1 Video) and Intermediate CD (noted as ISTD Advanced 1 Audio) are available for direct purchase and digital download at:

Registered members can log in to view and purchase all products. Note: membership dues must be current to complete purchase.

For International orders (outside the United States) please email Peggy Wright, [email protected], with your order and she will give you the exact total of your order.  Once the total amount is received you may pay your balance at the link below.

CCA Miscellaneous Payment Form

Please allow 7-14 days after the order was placed for delivery. If not received in 14 days please contact Peggy Wright at [email protected].
* Prices subject to change without notice.





Offline Orders

If you prefer, you can order products offline. Please email your order to Peggy Wright at [email protected].