Early Childhood Development
The CCA offers three pre-syllabus examinations for younger children, ages 5 – 9, that will develop poise and musicality in a fun and creative environment. The Primary One, Two, and Three syllabus instills the love of dance and allows for creative expression. The teacher directs and leads the students during the examination. A teacher must hold the Grade I Teaching Certificate in order to present students at this level.
Grade I and II Syllabus
For students on a more serious track, the two lower student grades will develop proper placement of torso, hips, and legs without exceeding anatomical limitations. The coordination of arms and head are developed with a concentration on smooth transitions throughout the exercises.
Grade III and IV Syllabus
A more mature sense of musicality and quality of movement is emphasized in the third and fourth levels. Students develop strength and stability in the demonstration of the pirouettes and grand allegro. Suppleness and smooth graceful movements are developed in these levels along with the coordination of head, arms, legs, and body. Students present a one-minute dance for the Grade IV examination demonstrating the ability to perform through unset movements. The dance provides teachers the opportunity to help develop the student’s awareness of choreographic concepts.
Professional Examinations
Elementary Syllabus marks the beginning of the professional level examinations and links the student to the final three professional levels that demonstrate Maestro Enrico Cecchetti’s work. It provides a culmination of the material in the graded work, demonstrating a mature and professional approach. In addition to adages and pirouettes that prepare the student for the more advanced levels, pointe work and the execution of beats are demonstrated in this syllabus.
The Intermediate, Advanced, and Diploma examination material used by the Cecchetti Council of America is maintained by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, London, England. Cecchetti’s legacy and tradition continues to flourish and survive the test of time in this universal work that is shared among seven Cecchetti Societies across the world. The syllabus demonstrates the beautiful adages, pirouettes and allegro used by Enrico Cecchetti. It develops strong classical lines, solid anatomical placement, as well as virtuoso jumps and beats.