The Cecchetti Council of America in conjunction with CCA Regional Committees are committed to informing and educating its Members by offering numerous Teacher Refreshers and Ballet Days as well as an Annual Summer International Teachers’ Course. Various scholarship opportunities are available through the CCA with Matching Scholarships offered through CCA Regional Committees.
Applications for scholarships listed below will be considered and voted on by the National Executive Board. These scholarships cover full tuition to attend the Cecchetti Council of America’s Summer Teacher Course held at Hope College in Holland, MI.
Jane Caryl Miller Scholarship (must hold Elementary Teacher level certificate, or higher, and be a member in good standing)
Charter Board Scholarship (must hold Teacher level II, III, or IV certificate and be a member in good standing)
EMC (must be a member in good standing of the Eastern Michigan Committee).
The following scholarships are available through the CCA Regional Committees. The CCA will match up to half the tuition fee of the Teacher Summer Course.
**Matching Committee Scholarships (these scholarships are selected by the individual committees, are of varying amounts, and may be divided among one or more members)
The Cecchetti Council of America and the Cecchetti Society of England each provide an exchange scholarship for one of their members to attend the other Teacher’s course. Please note, there is no application for these scholarships as they are awarded by the two organizations. These two scholarships are:
Sylvia Hamer Scholarship (selected by the Cecchetti Council of America’s Executive Board to attend The Cecchetti Society Teacher Course in England).
Margaret Marsh Scholarship (exchange teacher from England, this teacher is selected in England to attend CCA Summer Teacher Course)
Deadline for Teacher Scholarship Applications is March 15, 2024.
To apply for a teacher scholarship online, click on the link below.
To download or print forms, click on the link below.