The National Executive Board of Directors of the Cecchetti Council of America is proud to present a brief bio of PAMELA RUTLEDGE:

Pam was trained by Sylvia Hamer and Marjorie Randazzo. In 1959, she received a BA in Dance from the Department of Dance at the University of Michigan.

In 1994, she was awarded the first Sylvia Hamer Scholarship to the Cecchetti Summer School in Chichester, England.

For 25 years, Pam performed with the Ann Arbor Civic Ballet as soloist, choreographer, and assistant director.

In 1970, she opened Pamela’s School of Dance from which have emerged many professional dancers and teachers who are continuing the legacy of the Cecchetti Method. She also teaches at the CCA International Summer School and Teachers’ Course as well as at ballet workshops throughout the U.S.

Pam is a member of the National Executive Board of Directors of the Cecchetti Council of America, a Permanent Examiner, and has been Chair of the Board of Examiners since 2002. She holds the Maestro Cecchetti Diploma and is a former Liaison Officer. Pam served as President of CCA from 2000-2002.

She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan and has two amazing children, five grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.