The National Executive Board of Directors of the Cecchetti Council of America is proud to present a brief bio of LAURA MCCARTHY:

Laura’s early training was at the Boston School of Ballet under E. Virginia Williams. She received her teacher’s training in the Cecchetti Method under Nancy Giles and Marjorie Randazzo. Other significant influences in her training have been Arlene Ashton Hay, Margaret Craske, and Anthony Randazzo, as well as master teachers at the Cecchetti International Summer School.

In 2007, Laura received the prestigious Sylvia Hamer Scholarship to study ballet abroad.

Laura’s career includes over 40 years of teaching in private schools. She also has taught at teacher refreshers, ballets seminars, and workshops throughout the U.S. as well as at the CCA International Summer School. Presently, she regularly coaches teachers in the Florida area.

Most recently, Laura collaborated with Leslie Wood to produce four Teacher Training DVDs for the CCA. These DVDs, filmed and produced by Laura’s husband, John, follow closely the 2009 CCA Teacher Reference Guide for Grades I – IV. It is a work to be shared with others who have a passion to teach and carry on the Method of Maestro Enrico Cecchetti.

A Permanent Examiner, former Scholarship Chair and Recording Secretary of the NEBD of the CCA, Laura holds the Maestro Cecchetti Diploma. She moved from Michigan to Florida in 2016 where she is now Chairman of the Florida Committee.

Laura and her husband, John, live in Seminole, Florida and are the proud parents of two adult children.